Blog > Dental Implant > How Much Do Implants Cost?
How Much Do Implants Cost?

Dental implant is a favoured dental treatment for patients for the last years. As it is not expensive as it was before and it worth the money that is paid on the treatment. With dental implant surgery, people have the chance to enjoy their natural good-looking tooth, that can smile however they want to and they become healthier. Since oral health is a step for the happiness of the person, it makes sense for people to get this treatment.
Cost of the surgery differs from people to people. Some people’s teeth are in a worse condition than others, thus they need a lot care and a different treatment. That is why there is no mean to say a definite price for the surgery, yet we can mention about average and expected costs. You should be careful about the clinic and the dentist that you choose as the success of the surgery depends on those. You should not trust someone who charges a price without looking into your mouth and its condition. Because probably that dentist is not someone who is an expert on this issue, he/she only does this job for money.
In addition to this, cost of the surgery differs in every country. Some countries may charge up to $5000 whereas some only charge $500. You should consider this while you are trying to choose a clinic to get your treatment. It may be a lot cheaper for you to have your surgery in another country.
If you are living in United States of America, you may not want to pay around $4000 when you can have your surgery around $750 in Mexico or you may not want to get your treatment in Australia as you would be paying less than half for surgery in Thailand. Because in Thailand you get have your surgery around $740 whereas in Australia you would pay at least $2000.
If you are living in a developed country in Europe such as Germany or United Kingdom, you would probably prefer to have your surgery in another country. In United Kingdom, prices are around $4000 whereas in Hungary would pay around $450. The price difference between them is too much to ignore. Or, if you are living in Germany, going to Poland to have surgery can be a good alternative as you would pay around $500 in Poland. If you were to get your surgery done in Germany, you would be paying around $2000.
Another alternative for European countries might be Spain. It is not well-known yet clinics In Spain charge around $550 which is very low cost compared to other European countries. And the last option for European countries is Turkey. The costs in Turkey is not less than the options that I have mentioned above, in Turkey you would pay around $700, yet your other expenses would be a lot cheaper in Turkey due to the currency. For instance, in Spain you would use euro as a currency on the other hand in Turkey you would use Turkish lira. Because of the value of the Turkish lira as currency, your expenses would cost less in Turkey. Thus, it can be a wise choice to get your surgery in Turkey.